Sunday, 27 January 2013

Thank you Universe

Well the Universe works in mysterious ways !! Having been told that my reconstruction would be done in March, I got a letter informing me it would be the 5th February. What a shock , so soon ! However was a little concerned as the 5th Feb is the aniversary of my Mothers death, but not wanting to say no I accepted it, feeling uneasy. Imagine then my surprise when last week in the middle of decorating I got a phone call asking if I could bring the Op forward to the 29th January - this Tuesday !  Thank you Universe for re-arranging, although it really now is a rush to get stuff organised and done ! I had my pre Op assesment on Friday, everything was Ok until it became time to remove blood.  They gave up after 1 attempt, saying the they will get it when I am unconcious ! That is if they can get the blinking canula in to knock me out in the first place.  Honestly this thing about my veins is beginning to drive me crazy. They said it would but itself right after a couple of years, but cant see any improvement myself yet.
The nurse gave me instructions, apparently I will have my own cubicle which will be much nicer for me. The Op will take anything upto 7 hours. I will have 3 drains and a catherter when I wake up. I shall be in a bit of pain and shall be monitored every 30 minutes to ensure the new boob is alive and well. I will have oxygen up my nose and the room will be a constant 26 degrees !! This apparently is to ensure the implant has every chance of survival, the warmer and more oxygenated everything is apparently the better. Hah they dont know about me and my hot blood,  I shall be sweating cobs !
I will have disovable stitches in my boob and stomach but proper ones holding my bellybutton in its new location- ouch !  She said that the first day I will be wishing I had never had it done, but the second day I shall feel much better. So shall report as soon as I can on whether she was right!
I can be in hospital between 3 and 5 days depending on how I recover.
So thats it! Am I nervious? Yes very. Its one thing going to get a nasty Cancer cut out of your body, but its a different thing deciding to get something done that is not life threatening. So yes I am bricking it. However it does seem that the Universe is hurrying this all through and I can only assume its because it wants me to be up for Bali. So once again I am throwing myself on its mercy and going with the flow. Today I have been loading all my spritual music onto my ipod so that I can listen to Om Mandi Padme Om and Ani Choylin Drolma if I feel in need of spirital support. I plan to visualise doing Kora around the Stupa at Boudha as they put me under. I did that last time and it seemed to work well at keeping me calm and open, so fingers crossed. So thats it ! A busy day tomorrow, I have to have a mammogram on the other one, which is my annual one brought forward because of the Op. I wont be able to blog in hospital, but will of course update you all as soon as I am home.

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