Friday, 22 February 2013

Getting on

Gosh its been ages since my last blog, well over a week. And what a difference a week makes, I feel much better. My wound has almost healed and I have no pain, just a weird sensation across my stomach and around my belly button. My new breast has been no trouble at all ! I keep forgetting that it too has been operated on, it feels quite natural and I am only aware when I hug someone, because now at last it feels soft, whereas before it was rock hard.  So all in all a good recovery.  Its also good to have less stomach, my clothes look better, now I must make an effort not to put on weight.  This is very hard for me especially as I'm getting older. I run to fat very easily. We have been walking as much as we can but at the  moment the weather is so cold that I have given up for a few days in the hope that it will warm up again soon.
I have been working on my meditation course that I am doing in March and also converting my Blog (yes this) into a book. It has been quite a journey as I am re visiting all my Cancer treatments and experiences, some I had forgotten and am now once again reminded of.  However I am finding it interesting to put myself back there particularly at the painful moments. I can write about and how I felt at the time without it effecting me now. Someone said its like women forgetting the pain of childbirth.  I remember exactly how I felt but more as an observer, looking on with detachment. I am a different person I know, I no longer let things get to me. I have a completely different outlook on life and that is deffinately for the better. As for the future, who knows? Short term I shall run my meditation course, then I hope to get back to work proper around April. We hope to get a weeks holiday somewhere hot and then I am returning to Bali in June with Emma. After that I have no plans as yet, but I am sure the Universe will send me off again somewhere, who knows ?

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