Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy Valentines

Feeling so much better, my tummy is mending well and I can now laugh, cough and sneeze without pain. Such a relief that it is all over. That said I should go back in to have the 53 year old boob lifted to match and have a nipple created, but have to say at this moment I cannot face anymore surgery. So I am content with what I have. Although I will probably have a tattoo done around both scars. Afterall they tattoo the brown aerolar around the new nipple. I am thinking more of a symbol or a flower though. I send that out to the Universe and see what comes back!!.  Everyday I am feeling stronger and yesterday I drove my car to the Doctors about 5 minutes away and everything was fine, so at least I can be mobile again. And just as I am getting better the sun has at last come out and we are out of the really cold spell for a bit so I can get out walking again. Now I have to slowly and gently build up my fitness. Plans are being made for Bali, it looks as though Emma and I wll be staying on for a few days after the others have gone, so will probably be out there for 3 weeks. This will be a great opportunity for me to once again leave behide my old body and bring the new one home ! Some sort of ceremony shall have to be performed ! And of course I shall recieve healing from the Hindu healers as before,so I am looking forward to that.  Now its onwards and upwards for me. Time to step into the light. In the meantime I have been busy converting this blog into a book, so watch this space .

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