Thursday 28 July 2011

Spirit moved me

Had a very interesting experience at the MBS fair on Sunday. I had booked with  a medium for a reading at the last show in January ( before my diagnosis) so thought what the hell may as well go and see what he has to say. First thing was why wasnt I teaching - followed by why wasnt I in more contact with the spirit world as I am sensitive, followed by why dont I do more writing. I nearly fell off my chair. All this before he even got round to my health.  The general thing was I should use this experience to help others with cancer either by writing or teaching. That I should join a circle with a view to contacting spirit as they want to contact me. I shall have a base in this country and another somewhere else. I shall sign a contract and make a big investment in November. Spirit told him that I shall make a complete recovery from this, and that I was shown this way to enable me to use this experience to go on and help others. Flip, gonna be busy eh ?? Funny thing is we have been discussing all of the above points - except the spirit thing. When he asked me why I dont give spirit more time I told him its because I am very skeptical of it, he told me the same thing my very good friend Chris Wade tells me- You wont get anywhere by being skeptical- you have to learn to trust and except.  Anyhow there were loads of other bits- I have them all on CD. It was a really interesting experience- lets hope it all comes true - eh ?? Oh and I hope you like my lastest pics - thought it was about time I came out ......

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