Sunday 30 September 2012

day 6

day 6

Had a brilliant morning doing table tilting. To do this you ideally need a wooden table and at least 2 people. You then place your hands very lightly on the top and with intention ask it to move. To help it along you sing nursery rhymes VERY loudly. We had 5 of us at our table. One of which who claimed to be a 'table' medium. Needless to say after 15 minutes of singing very loudly nothing much had happened except the ' table' medium had used his strength to dig his fingertips into the table and because some floor tiles were lower was able to make the table rock. It was soooo obvious to all us ' newbies'. Eventually Christine joined us and after a lot of singing and perceverance the table began to move. When it moved it moved quickly dragging us all across the floor and then returning to its original place at break neck speed. All the time managing to avoid the other 3 tables being used which were also racing around. It was like a scene from Harry Potter, complete madness. But great fun. Apparently anyone can do it, so I warn you girlfriends who live close, next time you come round my house table tilting is deffinately on the agenda, see it as part of my research !! Then in the afternoon, David gave us a presentation on Trance mediumship. It was very interesting to me as the altered states he was refering to are very similar to Transcendental meditation. See it always comes back to what you already know. Then all the 'Trance ' mediums' were invited to sit for us. I dont think I have ever felt so embarressed. These people ' perform' on platforms in Spiritualist churches and wherever else they get invited to. It was awful, the two that managed to get into 'trance ' were clearly not and the 'spirits' they channeled were so obviously part of their own personality it made most people witnessing it cringe. At least at the end David was honest enough to tell them they were not channeling spirit and that they should stop trying and concentrate on mental mediumship. Its so sad to think that these two people have a bit of a following, probably vunerable, sad, depressed and sick people, who because of their illness or emotional state will trust any ' message' that 'spirit' gives them. Well hopefully some of what was said to them will sink in. However I doubt it as they are clearly getting ' off' on what they are doing. So it makes you wonder which of the afore mentioned states they are in. I know I may sound critical but you have to remember these people are misleading the public. One of them has a website and travels around the country doing this. Fraud. Anyhow thats not just my opinion and I have delibrately not mentioned their names. I just trust that their own conscience will stop them doing more damage. Although I think one may stop, the other will definitely carry on. If he does I will publish his name.

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