Sunday 1 January 2012

2012 - its here !!

Thank God its 2012 at last. Time seemed to go really slowly last night waiting for the hour to strike. And then suddenly we are here.  I went out to my shed at midnight with the last of my champagne,it was really warm inside it and I wished we had spent the evening in it.  Anyhow as I sat there watching fireworks going off all around I felt really tearful. In fact I did cry a little. I think the tears were in gratitiude for getting to 2012.  And for my shed as it helped me through some really hard times. It has cradled me when I most needed it, and I wanted to thank it. I have plans for it in 2012. They will be some changes to the interior, but it will still be my haven and my friend. Our relationship will change, but it will also deepen I think.
As for resolutions. I resolve to live 2012 as fully as I possibly can, and I would urge everyone else to do the same,  after all if the Mayans are to be believed we all have a fight ahead of us to make it to 2013.  Now I have to go and get lunch for Kieron and Graham, so a good afternoon to be had.
Happy New Year everyone

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